A new Chris Schwarz workbench book…

Just saw a posting about a new book by Chris Schwarz workbenches.

The Workbench Design Book.

And it’s on sale for pre-order plus free shipping.

Sounds like a must purchase to me.  Mr. Schwarz is doing quite a lot to further woodworking as a craft, and research methods into the practical history.  He’s starting to work his way into my list of favorite woodworking gurus who are advancing the craft.  I just ordered my copy.

The Workbench Design Book - Chris Swartz

The Workbench Design Book - Chris Schwarz

I am hoping that this book might help me in my “workbench paralysis” that I’m in right now.  There are lots of options, and many ways to go, but I am stuck trying to figure out whether to build or to buy.  I don’t have a lot of time in the shop, but when I do I would like to be able to work on a thing rather than the stuff to make the thing.  I’m spending my spare moments building stuff to make stuff, and while very fun and rewarding, is not making things.  But then, a new work bench is VERY expensive and if I only spend a little time in the shop, is it worth it to spend that kind of money?

And around and around I go.

** Edited to fix mistake in spelling of Schwarz **


  1. Dave Lang August 30, 2010

    There is no “t” in Schwarz.

  2. Badger August 30, 2010

    D’oh! Thanks Dave, I fixed the mistake. I wasn’t sure when I wrote the original post, I just should have checked.

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