I just ordered a set of Traditional style hook tools from Hilton Handcraft. For use on my Pole Lathe. I had been considering these a while ago, then I lost this site. I am going to bust out the Pole Lathe again and see if I can make a few bowls this summer.
Having the proper tools is a big help.
Book review time!
As I promised a few posts back, I’m going to write up my thoughts on this book and share them with you all.
The book is “The Joiner and the Cabinet Maker” by Moskowitz and Schwartz. It’s available here at Lost Art Press for $29 by itself, or $34 with a companion DVD. Which was the version I got, and it was worth it. My first copy got lost in the mail somehow, and the wonderful people there sent me a copy again, first class customer service there.
This book is different, that’s what makes it hard to summarize or review I think. It’s not the normal woodworking or history book, it’s both and also more than that. It’s a history book, a how to book, and an inspiring story all rolled into one. It’s very readable, hard to put down, and makes we want to work on my hand tool all at once.
The first part of the book is some context for the story, and the history behind it.
The second part is a story following a young apprentice as he learns the craft of joinery.
The third part documents the three projects discussed in the story, and lays out practical steps and context for the tools and techniques.
The context provided is the best part. It’s like you’ve got a master craftsman sitting there reading with you, and pointing out parts that are unclear based on the drift of language over time or providing details to make something a bit more concrete. Joel Moskowitz covers a lot of background, and practical stuff in the footnotes sprinkled all through the story text. It adds so much to learning part, helps with context and makes it all the more useful.
The story itself is a bit quaint, but the knowledge presented is unique, since most of things being discussed are rarely written down from that time, and represents a chance for a modern person to take a few lessons in a long gone joiners shop. And then, Christopher Schwartz translates the actual projects for us, helping us bridge the gap in ways that make sense.
I read it cover to cover, and was sad when it was done. I want more books like this, and I don’t think they exist.
I highly recommend that any aspiring hand tool woodworker should read this book. It’s worth it.
*corrected who wrote the footnotes.
Tonight after a scrumptious dinner of Sushi with the family, we went next door to the book store. I found an interesting set of books that look like fun. Called “The Modern Carpenter, Joiner, and Cabinet-Maker” it’s a reprint of a 1902 printing, with a new forward by Roy Underhill. For $6 a volume, I couldn’t turn it down.
Also, today I picked up my books that I’d reserved from the library, notably “Furniture in England: The age of the joiner” which after a brief scan is on my MUST BUY list already. It focuses on the period of 1550 – 1650 furniture with lots of good pictures.
All in all a good book day.
I found a local tool collectors group. Woo!
It took a little digging, but I found a local tool collecting group that had a lot of the old tools I can’t find any other place. I found it fairly non linearly, but I attended my first meeting today. I had to get a hold of the Mid West Tool Collectors group, looking for a local chapter of which there were none. MWTC were recommended to me Roy Underhill when I was over taking classes at the Woodwright’s Shop. They recommended I check out the Pacific Northwest Tool Collectors group. The meetings are held in Portland and Seattle alternately, and I’d managed to miss the one that week I found out about them. So it was a couple months before I could get to check them out.
Today I made it, and it was a blast. I joined the club, attended the meeting and got some tools today. They use an odd system for the tool show, which took a bit to figure out. Every tool has a tag, with a price, and some lines. If you want it, put your name down. If you’re the only name, you get it at the price stated on the tag. If there are two names, you find the other guy and bid between the both of you. If there are three or more names, it goes up to auction for everyone at lunch time. If there are no names, then in “open sale” period you can go haggle with the guy for it. It’s kind of like a mutant silent auction, but what the heck.
It’s a little tricky, but it kind of makes sense. I had to do a lot of math to make sure I had cash on me to get it all if I won them all, and even then I had to run the bank. I had a couple hours to browse the whole thing, which was about 1/2 the size of the PATINA show I went to on the east coast, but impressive for this area. I had to go over it a few times to see what I wanted to put my name on. It took a little while to figure out a good plan, but I ended up spending $120 and getting quite a bit. I’ll share more on the tools later when I can get my camera down the the garage. But I got a lot, which also means I need to go down and MAKE somethings before buy anymore tools. Heh.
Here is the schedule for the tool meetings, PNTC Meeting Schedule maybe I’ll see you at one of them, I’m going to try and make a few more. There is a big to-do going on in August, that I might try to talk the wife into. We shall see.
Had a lovely weekend out in Port Angeles where I was on child wrangling duty, in support of the lovely wife who had a thing this weekend out there. While we were there, I spied this nice old jointer plane in an antique store. He looked lonely but I didn’t really need another plane (shhh… for the sake of the story, just go with it…) We left the store, but happened to walk past again on the way to get some coffee at the cafe down the street. We stopped in again, and what do you know this little guy followed me home!
I couldn’t resist. I actually have been thinking about a jointer plane lately, as I’m reading the “The Joiner and Cabinet Maker” from Lost Art Press. Which by the way, is an amazing book, I’ll review it later but for now just trust me on this one. This book is unique and without peer, and is a must buy for any serious hand tool woodworker, or any one who would one day like to pretend to be one.
Anyway, back to this lost waif of a jointer plane that followed me home. Actually I’m not giving the old guy his proper due using words like “waif” and “little guy” as its a solid and heavy fellow with a lot of life left in the blade. The bottom is nearly flat at least to the eye, and I only say nearly because I have yet to check it with a square. It’s been pretty well cared for, but it has a few bumps and bruises and the possibility of a minor crack that I think it’s going to affect it much. It’s very solid, and heavy but comfortable in the grip. It’s a user all right.
I bought it for two reasons I will admit though, one I’ve mentioned, I might need to actually joint some long boards when I try some of the projects in the “Joiner and Cabinet Maker” book, and the other a bit more sentimental. When I took the class from Roy Underhill at the Woodwright’s School we played with a big old wooden jointer very similar to the one I bought. It was Roy’s pride and joy, and we did a fun “who can make the longest shaving” contest at the end of the night with it. So yeah, I bought it because my woodworking hero had one, but hey it’s also a very useful addition to the shop arsenal! Really.
Without further ado… Here is the stout fellow who followed me home. I haven’t cleaned him up yet, but he’ll get a light scrubbing and some oil soon as can get down to the shop. Plus some serious time on the sharpening stone with the blade which looks to be in decent condition with no major dings or nicks.
I had a little time today before starting up my production line of pens for the big order. I took a bit to finish cleaning and tuning the new Stanley #5 jack plane I got yesterday.
I didn’t need to do a lot since most of the rust was surface level, and the grime was easily removed. I took a pass at the blade, and I got it reasonable sharp but it’s going to need a little more work I think. It’s been rounded a bit too much, and they put a back bevel on it that is going to take some work to back to flat. I did “scary sharp” sandpaper method through 600 grit, and then switched to my combination white/black Arkansas stone. Got some decent shavings off of some tricky maple, but like I said it’s going to take some work.
I also got rid of most of the “institutional green” color that the school had painted on the heel. Just a light scraping and some wire brush work, and it came loose pretty quick. Plus I tuned up the knob a little, removed some of the paint, grime, and glue that was on it. It happened to fit onto my pen mandrel, so I just pressed it on and sanded away. A couple coats of Walnut oil, and it looks much better.
All in all, for $5, this is a fantastic plane.
Now, lunch and back to work on the pens, I’m 12 into the 16 I need.
Finding old tools around here (the Pacific Northwest) is a bit of a challenge, and finding ones that are users as well, even harder. Let’s not even talk about the ridiculous prices that people put on them in antique stores around here.
I’d got a hint of a tool swap that would have at least one table of old tools, and after some online sleuthing figured out a date and location. I swear it was harder to find out information than just about any event I’ve been to recently. They really didn’t promote it at all, and I only had a couple of mentions and posts in random places. But went out on a limb, got up way too early, and checked it out.
Surprisingly there were quite a few old tools there, scattered among a lot of dusty old power tools and boxes of screwdrivers. It was an odd mix of people, mostly older, with a few young folks as well. I did pretty well for myself I thought, and am happy I got up way to early (time for a nap maybe?) to go check it out.
Here is what I picked up:
Two saws of good quality. A Disston 8 pt Crosscut, and a Disston 11 pt Crosscut saw in good shape with saw guards. I sort of put myself in the old guys hands on this one. He had a rack of saws that were obviously in good shape, well cared for, and he seemed to know what he was doing. I asked him what he thought I might need, and recommended those two. I offered $30 to his $35 and he took it.
 A Stanley #5 Jack Plane. This guy had a line of well used dusty/rusty #5’s with the back end painted green. I walked by a few times, and finally asked the price on them. He replied with “How much do you want to pay?” so I quipped back “$5” thinking he’d start bargaining from there, but replied “Sure. I just want cut down on the amount of stuff I have.” Rolling with it, I asked him which one was in the best shape, and he pulled the blade from one and put it in the one with best body for me. I guessed some kind of shop over stock, because they were all so similar looking and green paint, and he said “former shop teacher”. Good deal for me!
Here was my favorite purchase. A Stanley #48 “Tongue and Groove” plane, in good shape. This is a single unit that does both the “Tongue” and the “Groove” with a simple switching of the fence. The fence pivots on a single point to cover one of the blades, and align it with the center of the wood for the groove part. Swung the other way, it’s fence for the tongue part with both blades in play. It’s really clever, and surprisingly simple. When I was at the Woodwright’s School for my class, they demoed one of these and I thought it was pretty neat. It’s also, once I sharpen and tune it up, going to be put into use on a project I’m contemplating. He was asking $75 but he took $60 which is pretty fair for the condition and rarity of these.
All in all, it was a good day, and I feel happy with my purchases. I’ve already cleaned up the #5 and under the light rust it’s in great shape, and it’s cleaned up nicely with just some WD-40 and a light wire brush work.
I’m a quarter of the way through my big order, and I snapped a quick shot of my new assembly tray I posted about earlier.  It’s pretty handy, I think I might add some more grooves to it, to add to the capacity of the tray.
You can see 3 “Cigar” Style pens in progress, and one finished. They are all in bamboo as will about half this order of 16 pens. With large orders I like to kind of “assembly line” the production of them which saves time and effort since I can cut all the same size at once, drill all at once, etc. Then I can take my time on the turning which is the fun part anyway.
I heartily recommend checking out this post on designing a workbench over at the Logan Cabinet Shop. He goes through a whole host of things that help in designing your own bench to meet your needs.
It’s on par with Chris Schwartz’s work in the book I mentioned a few posts ago.
Just a quick update. I have a large order I am working on, and I wanted a way to keep things from rolling around on my desk, and to keep things straight while assembling them. I grabbed my trusty Stanly #45 that had a grooving setup already from a previous project. I cut a straight groove, moved the fence, cut another, etc. I just did this in a piece of scrap pine I had lying around.
I had also been working on my sharpening skills with a oil stone, so I used the chisel I had just been working on to cut the corners off to make it easier to get things out of the troughs. I was pretty impressed, I actually got a decent edge on it, and it worked pretty well.
I snapped a picture to show what I’m talking about.
I also learned what the knob on the fence is for.
Avoiding splinters. Ouch!
Lesson learned, don’t do that again. I was riding my hand along the wood to hold it steady. Actually, to be honest I wasn’t really paying attention where my hand was. I was focused of the cutting, and I was reminded with a nice deep splinter to keep my focus a little more on all aspects.
Anyway, once the kiddo goes to be tonight I’ll be back down there. I’ve got 16 Cigar pens to make in 2-3 weeks. Which is why today was get organized and clean my work space.
— badger